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Hinthada University Research Journal Vol. 12, No. 1, 2022

Table of Contents

 Sr No     Title

1. ပျို့စာပေမှ ရသဖန်တီးမှု၊ နွဲ့နွဲ့ရီ

2. မြန်မာဘာသာစကားရှိ မွေးစားစကားလုံးများမှ ဥပစာအသုံးများ၊ စောမြတ်စန္ဒီလွင်

3. Error Analysis of Newly Appointed Non-English Specialization Teachers’ Pronunciation in Pronouncing English Vowels and Consonants in Hinthada University, Tin Moe Moe Win, Mee Mee Ko and Hsu San Htar

4. An Analysis of Translation Strategies Used in Translating Saya Thein Phay Myint’s Short Story “Oil”, Thet ThetAung, Tin Moe Moe Win and May Hnin Soe

5. Farmer Perception of Sustainable Agriculture Practices  in Hinthada Township, Kyaw Min Htike, Myo Oo and Naing Win

6. Changing Agriculture Sector and Cultivation Practices of Zalun Township, Mu Mu Thet, Pan Ei Phyu and Khin Hnin Phyu

7. The Geographical Study of Fisheries in Zalun Township, Myo Oo, Khin Hnin Phyu, Kyaw Min Htike and Naing Win

8. The Role of General Maha Bandula in the Battle of Danubyu in 1825,

Tin Pa Pa Win and Win Win Cho

9. A Study of Rene Descartes’ Pursuit of Certainty, Thet Thet Myint

10. The Role of logical Thinking in Daily Life, Nge lay Khin and Tun Pa May

11. Challenges on Protection of Authors’ Rights in Myanmar, Htike Htike Tun and Kyi Thandar Myint

12. Study on Application of Right of Hot Pursuit in Stealing Fishing in Myanmar, Aye Po Po Paing and Nant Hnin May Lwin



Hinthada University

Since it has been founded as a university, it provides twelve academic subjects in Arts and Science. Starting from 2020-2021 Academic Year. Hinthada University offers the undergraduate course for Bachelor of Laws (LLB) and Economics.

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Hinthada University Research Journal Vol 11, No 2, 2021

 Table of Contents

Sr No       Title

1. A Study on Some Physicochemical Properties and Trace Metal Concentrations of Tube Well Water from Hinthada University Campus, Ohn Mar Tin, Ei Ei Khaing and Myat Myat Htet

2. Preparation and Characterization of Leaf Compost, Thi Thi Aye, Swe Swe Ohn, Mg Mg Khin and Kyaw Htun Zan

3. Study on Preliminary Phytochemical Constituents, Nutrient Minerals and Antimicrobial Screening of Buteamonosperma(Lam.) Taub. Flower Collected from Hinthada University Campus, Ei Ei Khaing, San San Lei and Ohn Mar Tin

4. Assessment of Water Quality of Duya-Inn, Hinthada Township from the Aspect of Chemistry, Moe Ohmmar, Lae Lae Win and Mar Lar

5. Fermentation, Optimization and Production of Antifungal Metabolites From Selected Soil Fungus (MT-6), Myint Thu, Zar Zar Yin and Ohn Mar Tin

6. Analysis of Elemental Concentrations and Optical Characterization of Ye-Yo (Morinda Angustifolia Roxb.) Leaves, Omma Sein, Nay Aung Kyi, Cho Cho Mya, and Win Win Thein

7. Study on Health Risk Assessment in Ground Water from Kamma Environs, Magway Region, Naing Naing Oo, Myint Myint Win, Zaw Htet Aung and Win Win Thein

8. Source-Detector Distance Dependence of Energy Resolution for NaI (Tl) Scintillation Gamma Ray Spectrometer, Nay Aung Kyi, Win Win Thein, Omma Sein and Mu Mu Kyaw

9. Synthesis and Characterization of Cu2O/ITO Thin Film by Using Electro-deposition Method, Zaw Htet Aung, Omma Sein, Naing Naing Oo and Win Win Thein

10. Fabrication and Solar Cell Properties of ZnO Thin Films, Hnin Wai Hlaing, Aye Aye Lwin, Win Kyaw and Win Win Thein

11. Flow Visualizations Method for Flow Past a Flat Plate, Nila Swe, Khin Lay Nyo Nyo, and Ni Ni Aye

12. Basic Ideas on Isomorphism of Graphs, Khin Khin Moe Tun, Theinge Hlaing and Khin San Lwin

13. Direct Products and Direct Sums of Modules, Marlar Thwin

14. Habitat Adaptation Nature and Tolerance of Water Salinity of Some Fishes of Kispanadi River, Yi Yi Win, Sa Soe Shwe, Aye Aye Myint , Than Than Nu and San San Htay

15. G-banded Chromosomal Pattern and DNA Extractions of Two Bovine Species, Bos taurus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Bos frontalis (Lambert, 1804), Khaing Wai Oo, Khaing May Chaw, Aye Mon Sann, Min Zaw Latt and Win War War Kyaw

16. Plant-parasitic and Free-living Nematodes infected on Chrysanthemum sp. (Linn) Leaves and Cultivated Soil from Kyaing Phaung Village, Kyaing Tong Township, NaingNaing Oo and Ohmar Lwin

17. Some benefical Predatory insect Species in Hinthada University Campus, Naw Aye Thida Min, Thin Thin Nwe, Soe Soe Naing and Wai Zin Min

18. Reproductive Condition of Lesser Dawn Fruit Bats Eonycteris spelaea (Dobson, 1871) in Nankathu Cave, Kwingauk Township, Hinthada District, Lai Lai Tun, Thin Thin Nwe, Soe Soe Naing, Khaing May Chaw and Wai Zin Min

19. Occurrence of Some Gastrointestinal Cestode Parasites of Gallus gallus domesticus Linnaeus, 1758, Hinthada Markets, Nilar Soe, Sa Soe Shwe, Min Zaw Latt, Thida Oo and Win War War Kyaw

20. Color Attraction for Oviposition of Gravid Aedes aegypti Females in Indoor, Outdoor and in-Bush Conditions, Min Zaw Latt, Thazin Hlaing, Maung Maung Mya, Khaing Wai Oo and Aye Mon Sann

21. Isolation of lactic acid bacteria from fish gut of Labeo rohia (Hamilton & Buchanan,1822) in Hinthada, Win War War Kyaw, Yi Yi Win, Nilar Soe, Sa Soe Shwe and Kyaw Myo Naing

22. Study on Algae of Aquatic Ecosystems In Duya Inn, Sandar, Khin Thuzar Myint, Yin Yin Waing, Khin Thu Zar and Yadanar

23. Nitrogen fixing bacteria isolated from Pisum sativum L., Yin Yin Waing, Khin Thuzar Myint, Sandar and Cho Cho Nyunt

24. Bioactive Compounds Produced by Soil Bacterium Bacillus sp. against Agrobacterium Tumefaciens, Myint Myint Than and Thandar Aung

25. Morphological and Anatomical characteristics of Leaves of Glycine max (L.) Merr. , Nilar Soe, Win Win Khaing and Thein Kywe

26. Effects of Different Packaging Materials on Storage Conditions of Blackgram Seeds, Nwe Nwe

27. Morphological and Physicochemical Studies of Mimusops elengi L. (Kha – Yay), Soe Thuya, Khin Thu Zar Myint and Sabai Thein

28. Comparative Study of Hydrology, Associated Elements and Environmental Aspects of Groundwater from Hinthada Township and Laymyethna Township, Min Min Khaing, Aung Than Oo and Wathon Chit

29. Mechanical Analysis and Statistical Treatment of the Size Analysis of Sandstone in Ywadan-Thanbo Area, Meiktila and Kyaukpadaung Townships, Mandalay Region, Kyaw Soe and Kyaw Kyaw Khine

30. Provenance Study of Irrawaddy Formation at Singaing Area, Wetlet Township, Sagaing Region, Thet Paing Kyaw Win and Kyaw Linn Zaw

31. Estimating Temperature-Pressure Conditions Based on Metamorphic Rocks Exposed Between Kyaukpya and Pinthabye Village, Mogok Township, Mandalay Region, Wathon Chi, Min Min Khaing and Ei San Mon

32. Mineralogy of the Metamorphic Rocks in the Taungnyo Area, Sagaing Township, Sagaing Region, Ei San Mon, Wathon Chit and Chaw Su Hlaing

33. Geology of the South Eastern Flank of Western Ranges, between N 17º 30′ and N 18º 15′, Hinthada District, Si Thu Soe, Soe Khaing Linn and Saw Ngwe Khaing


Hinthada University

Since it has been founded as a university, it provides twelve academic subjects in Arts and Science. Starting from 2020-2021 Academic Year. Hinthada University offers the undergraduate course for Bachelor of Laws (LLB) and Economics.

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Hinthada University Research Journal Vol 11, No 1, 2021

Table of Contents

Sr No     Title

1. မင်းသုဝဏ်၏ သားချစ်ရင်ဒေါ် ဘာသာပြန်ဇာတ်လမ်းကဗျာ၊ သီတာအောင်

2. လောကထိပ်ပန်မင်စာမှ ဝေါဟာရနှင့် အနက်အဓိပ္ပာယ်လေ့လာချက်၊ အေးအေးသန်း

3. နဝဒေး၏ဘုရားတိုင်ရတုများမှ ဘုရားဘွဲ့များ၊ ညွန့်ညွန့်ဝေ

4. ဝတ္ထုတိုများတွင်တွေ့ရသော အဖြည့်စကားများ၊ စောမြတ်စန္ဒီလွင်

5. ရသစာပေမှ ရသနှင့်အသိအမြင်သဘော၊ Nwet Nwet Yee

6. လူမှုဘဝပုံရိပ်များထင်ဟပ်နေသော မြန်မာကျေးလက်ကဗျာများ၊ မာမာဆွေ

7. A Study of Lexical Collocations in the Short Story “Eveline” by James Joyce, Tin Moe Moe Win and Htun Win

8. Analysing Deixis Used in the Short Story “Love” by Jesse Stuart, San San Maw, Htun Win and Sandar Moe

9. Assessing the Achievement of First Year Physics Specialisation Students’ Reading Skills through Interactive Reading Model, May Kyi Than

10. An Analysis of Effective Techniques Used in the Introductions and Conclusions of Five World Leaders’ Speeches, Wai Mon Naing and Phyo Su Paing

11. Developing Vocabulary of First Year English Specialization Students Based on the Reading Passages in the Prescribed Text “New Language Leader Coursebook 1”, Khine Su Hnin Aung, Ei Ei Chaw and Lei Lei Khaing

12. A Spatial Analysis on Flowers, Fruits, and Vegetables Gardening in Pathein City and its Environs, Khin Kay Khaing, Cho Cho Myint and Myint Myint Aye

13. Forest Cover Change in Hintada District, Ayeyarwady Region, Le`. Le`. Win, Moh Moh Khaing, Mya Nyein Nyein, Ni Ni Khaing and Thi Thi Htut

14. Distribution of Filling Stations in Hinthada Town, Ayeyarwady Region

Cho Cho Myint, Saw Sandar Win and Khin Kay Khaing

15. A Geographical Study of Oil-Seeds Cultivation in Yamethin Township,

Soe Soe Maung

16. The Effect of Availability of Water Sources on Summer Paddy Cultivation in Maubin Township, Ayeyarwady Region, Swe Zin Aye and Min Paing

17. A Study of Jean-Paul Sartre’s Idea of “Condemned to be Free”, Khin Myat Mar, Moe Moe Myint and Mar Mar Soe

18. The View of Consciousness in the Heterodox (Nāstika) School, Moe Moe Myint, Khin Myat Mar and Mar Mar Soe

19. A Study of Some Myanmar Proverbs in Myanmar Culture, Mar Mar Soe, Khin Myat Mar and Moe Moe Myint

20. The Concept of Education in Plato’s Philosophy, May Sabei Khin, Aung Ko Zaw and Nge Lay Khin

21. Political Thought of Some Ancient Chinese Philosophers, Aung Ko Zaw and May Sabei Khin

22. A Study on the Sacred Bodhi Tree, Ei Phyu Pyar Kyaw and Cho Nwe Soe

23. The temporary personal attendants of the Buddha, Yin Yin Htay and Kyi Zar Cho

24. Abstaining From Killing (Pāātipāta) and World Peace, Aye Aye Mon

25. Practice of Moral (Sīla Sikkhā) and A Peaceful Society, Chaw Win Thaw

Hinthada University

Since it has been founded as a university, it provides twelve academic subjects in Arts and Science. Starting from 2020-2021 Academic Year. Hinthada University offers the undergraduate course for Bachelor of Laws (LLB) and Economics.

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Hinthada University Research Journal Vol.10, No.1, 2019

Table of Contents

Sr.No.   Title

1. သိကြားတိုင်တေးထပ်နှစ်ပုဒ်မှ ဦးပုည၏ ကဗျာဉာဏ်ရည်၊ ဌေးဌေးရီ

2. Assessing the Impact of Climate Change and Natural Disasters on Residents in Ayeyarwady Region, Khin Kay Khaing, Saw Yu May and Cho Cho Myint

3. Primary Economic Activities in the Islands between Ngawun and Thetkethaung Rivers, Ngaputaw Township, Cho Cho Myint and Khin Kay Khaing

4. Life of Woman in the Pre-Buddhist and Buddhist Periods in India, Soe Mya Hla Thu Zar

5. A Study of Teacher-pupil Relation in Pāḷi Literature, San San Win and Ei Phyu Pyar Kyaw

6. The Key Role of Sakka in Support Buddha’s Sāsanā, Ei Phyu Pyar Kyaw and San San Win

7.  Isolation of Soil Fungi Collected from Hinthada University Campus and Their Enzyme Activity, Moe Moe Aye

8. Study on Preliminary Phytochemical Investigation and Antibacterial Activity of Curcuma Longa L. (Na-Nwin), Ei Ei Khaing

9. Study on Chemical Analysis and Antioxidant Activity from Fruit of Piper retrofractum Vahl. (Peik- chin-lay), San San Lae and Ei Ei Khaing

10. Remote and Autonomous Controlled Robotic Vehicle Based on Arduino with Real Time Obstacle Detection and Avoidance, Aye Min and Win Win Thein

11. Study on Extraction and Characterization of Chlorophyll Dyes from Spinach, Ivy gourd and Bottle gourd Leaves, Zaw Htet Aung and Win Win Thein

12.  Assessment of Heavy Metals Content in Hun’s Eggs, Naing Naing Oo and Win Win Thein

13. Flow Past an Ellipse, Nila Swe, Khin Lay Nyo Nyo and Ni Lar Lwin

14. A Way to Solve System of Linear Equations by Means of Norm of Linear Mapping, Theinge Hlaing, Khin Khin Moe Tun and Khin San Lwin

15.  Abundance of some moths in Hinthada University Campus, Soe Soe Naing, Aye Thida Min, Thin Thin Nwe, Wai Zin Min and Ei Ei Khaing

16.  Occurrence of some Commercial and Non-Commercial Fish Species in Inn-Yegyi Lake, Kyonpyaw Township, Ayeyarwady Region, Sa Soe Shwe, Yi Yi Win, Nilar Soe, Aye Mon Sann and San San Htay5

17.  Isolation of Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria from the Rhizosphere of Vigna catjangWalp (Cow pea), Wai Zin Min, Aye Aye Cho, Kyaw Myo Naing, Soe Soe Naing and Min Zaw Latt

18. The Effect of Various Organic and Biofertilizers on Growth and Yield of Vigna Mungo (L.) Hepper (Black Gram), Marlar

19.  Study on the Antimicrobial Activities and Utilization of Carbon and Nitrogen Sources for Fermentation of Soil Fungi, Naw Nwe Nwe Soe

20. Study on Morphological Characters of Some Hydrophytic Plants Species in Hinthada  Township, Sandar, Khin Thu Zar and San San Tun

21.  Petrochemical Characteristics of Granitic Rocks in Leiktho-Naplawkaw Area, Thandaung Township, Karen State, Chaw Su Hlaing, Myat Thuzar Soe and Tun Tun Min

22. River Geomorphological Changes of the Duya-Inn and Surrounding Area, Tun   Tun   Min, Sandy Than Han and Han Myo Hset

23. Spatial Distribution Pattern of Tea Shops in Bago Town, Mon Mon San, Naw Thitagu Myintzu Htun and Naw Thin Phyu Phyu Htwe

Hinthada University

Since it has been founded as a university, it provides twelve academic subjects in Arts and Science. Starting from 2020-2021 Academic Year. Hinthada University offers the undergraduate course for Bachelor of Laws (LLB) and Economics.

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Hinthada University Research Journal Vol.9, No.1, 2018

Table of Contents

Sr.No.   Title

1. အာမနာကျောင်းအမ၏ ဆုတောင်းကဗျာမှ ဇော်ဂျီ၏အတွေးအမြင်၊ ဌေးဌေးရီ

2. အင်းဝခေတ်ဝတ္ထုစကားပြေအရေးအသားလေ့လာချက်၊  အေးအေးသန်း

3. ၁၆ ရာစု မြန်မာကျောက်စာအချို့မှ သက္ကတမွေးစားစကားလုံးများ လေ့လာချက်၊ နီနီတင်

4. A Study on Literary Devices of the Poem “The Voice” by Thomas Hardy, Seinn Moht Moht Aung

5. Analysing the short story “The Open Window” by Saki Using the Functional Approach, Lei Lei Khaing

6. Challenges on Rural Development: Case Study of Hinthada Township, Kyaw Min Htike et al.,

7. Geographic Study on Asparagus Cultivation of Hinthada Township, Than Htike Aung et al.,

8. Geographical Analysis on Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Pathein Township, Moh Moh Khaing et al.,

9. A Study of the Ethical Value as Reflected in the Kosala Saṁyutta, Nu Nu Yin

10. Four Kinds of Sublime Dhamma Practices (Brahmacariya), Khin Moe Hlaing

11. Preparation and Characterization of Enamel Paint, Chit Su Myat Noe Kyi Lwin et al.,

12. Study on Colour Removal of Organic Dyes (Methylene Blue and Congo Red ) by Using Coconut Husk, Htet Myat Aung et al.,

13.  Nutritional Value and Antioxidant Activity of Fruit of Dillenia indica L. (Tha-byu) From Hinthada Township, Thandar Soe et al.,

14. Degradation of Dye in Wastewater by Synthesized Manganese (III) Oxide Nanoparticles, Khin Su Su et al.,

15. https://hu.edu.mm/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/15_Phys_01_May-Thwe-Soe.pdfVibrational Analyses of PO4 and NH4 in NH4-KH2PO4 (AKDP) Crystals by using FTIR Spectroscopy, May Thwe Soe

16. Study on the Morphology and Molecular Vibration of Biphasic Biomaterials from White Coral (AnthozoaCnidria) by SEM and FTIR Analysis, Khin Myat Thu et al.,

17.  Fabrication of Monolithic Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell, Khin Thida Aung et al.,

18.  Fabrication of TiO2-Cu2O Nanowire Photoelectrode for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Based on Natural Chlorophyll Dyes, Zaw Htet Aung et al.,

19.  Abstract Cones by Means of Monoid, Khin Moe Yee et al.,

20.  Finite Difference Method for Elliptic Partial Differential Equation, Thet Thet Soe et al.,

21. Path Connectedness, Aye Thida Myint et al.,

22. Occurrence of Some Beetle Species in Mezaligone Environs at Hinthada District, Sa Soe Shwe et al.,

23. The Study on Scales of Some Bony Fishes in Hinthada Markets, Nilar Soe et al.,

24.  The Seasonal Population Fluctuation of Insect Pests and Natural Enemies of Brinjal Cultivated in Hinthada Environs, Thin Thin Nwe

25. Growth Rate of Angelfish, Pterophyllum Sp. Feeding by Beef Heart and Dry Pellets, Khin Sandar Htay et al.,

26. Botanical and Phytochemical Studies on Leaves of Vitex Trifolia L. (Kyaung -Ban), Aye Yu Mon et al.,

27. Study on Mong Kung Paper Industry in Mong Kung Township, Win Win Myint et al.,

28. Study on Antimicrobial Metabolite Producing Fungi Isolated from Mangrove Plants, Ei Theingi Lwin et al.,

29.  Identification of the morphological characters of some nodules belonging to the Fabaceae family, Yee Yee Than

30. Gold Mineralization in Latpan Byant Area, Thabeikkyin Township, Mandalay Region, Myanmar, Myo Myint Myat et al.,


Hinthada University

Since it has been founded as a university, it provides twelve academic subjects in Arts and Science. Starting from 2020-2021 Academic Year. Hinthada University offers the undergraduate course for Bachelor of Laws (LLB) and Economics.

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Hinthada University Research Journal Vol. 8, No. 1, 2017

                                          Table of Contents                                                     

Sr. No.             Title


1. ကြည့်ကန်ရှင်ကြီး မေတ္တာစာများလာ ဒေသအသွင်ကွဲစကားများလေ့လာချက်၊ နီနီတင်

2. အလွမ်း၊ အတွေးနှင့်စာဆို၊ မြင့်ကြည်သိန်း

3. Evaluating the Vocabulary Section of Global (Level 1) Coursebook and Workbook Using Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy, Nang Phyu Phyu Aung

4. A Stylistic Analysis of Alfred Tennyson’s Poem “The Splendour Falls on Castle Walls”, Hnin Lai Soe

5. Effectiveness of Using Formative Assessment Strategies in Testing Writing Proposals of Third Year English Specialization Students at Hinthada University, Myo Thandar Kyaw

6. Cropping Systems and Economy of Small Holder Farmers in Hinthada Township, Ayeyarwady Region, Myint Thida, Saw Sanda Win and Thin Thin Oo

7. A Geographical Analysis on Land Cover Changes in Kyaingtong Township, Lè Lè Win and Ei Ei Zaw

8. Geographical Assessment of Socio-economic Conditions in Laymyethna Township, Ni Ni Khaing

9. A Critical Study on Good Will of Immanuel Kant from Ethical Standpoint, Mar Mar Soe

10. The Importance of Pariyatti Sāsanā, Thin Thin Aye

11. Pesticide Residues in Eggplant Fruit and Soil under Study, Yin Min, Ni Ni Sein, Aung Myint and Kyaw Naing

12. A Study on Traditional Main Dish Melocanna Bambusodies (Kayin-wa-dok) From Rakhine State, Moe Ohmmar

13. Study on Phytochemical Constituents and Bioactivities from Bark Extracts of Bauhinia Malabarica (Chin-Byit), Myint Myint Khine, Kyaw Thu and Khaing Phoo Wai

14. Determination on the Concentration of Elements in Kassod Tree (Me` Zale) Using EDXRF and AAS Techniques, Aye Aye Mon

15. Design and Construction of Integer Calculator by Using Pic, Ohnmar Win and Win Win Thein

16. High Temperature Phases of NH4-KH2PO4 (AKDP) Crystals Studied by TG-DTA Method, May Thwe Soe, Ohnmar Win and Win Win Thein

17. Preservation properties of the moment generating function, Hla Yin Moe

18. Introduction to Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Ko Ko Oo and Thet Paing Soe

19. Occurrence of Some Beetles in Hinthada University Campus, Myint Myint Kyaing, Tin Aye Mu and Thin Thin Nwe

20. Habitat Destruction of Hilsa ilisha Due to the Environmental Changes in the Ayeyarwady River (Pyay Sector), Aye Mon Sann, Khin San Wai and Khin Khin Yone

21. Investigation into stomach contents of some fishes in Shar Khe Inn, Kyonpyaw Township, Nant Khaing Mar Thin and Soe Soe Naing

22. Botanical and Phytochemical Studies on Leaves of Stephania Japonica (Thunb.) Mont-kyawe`-thae`-pin (Sha-naze), Nwe Nwe Htay and Pa Pa Shein

23. Botanical and Phytochemical Study on Leaves of Solanum torvum (Kazaw-kha), Zun May Oo and Khin Myo Thwet

24. A Study on Morphological Features of Some Economic Plants Grown in Hinthada Township, Han Nwet, Khin Swe Hlaing and Yee Yee Than

25. Petrology of the Metasedimentary rocks in Mehaw Chaung Area, Lewe Township, Mandalay Region, Chaw Su Hlaing and Htay Win

26. Lithostratigraphy of the Western Part of Laymyethna Area, Ayeyarwaddy Region, Tun Tun Min, Saw Ngwe Khaing and Nyein Chan Aung

27. Structural Analysis of the Tigyit Area, Pinlaung Townhsip, Shan State (South), Soe Khaing Linn, Saw Ngwe Khaing and Hein Min Htet

Hinthada University

Since it has been founded as a university, it provides twelve academic subjects in Arts and Science. Starting from 2020-2021 Academic Year. Hinthada University offers the undergraduate course for Bachelor of Laws (LLB) and Economics.

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  • Agricultural Chemistry(Apply Subject)

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Hinthada University Research Journal Vol. 7, No.1, 2016

Table of Contents

Sr. No.                Title                                                                                                             

1. Optical Characteristics of Nickel Substituted Cobalt-Zinc Ferrites Studied by UV-VIS-NIR Spectroscopy, Nway Nway Khaing et al.

2. Design and Construction of a Series and Parallel Connected Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Module, Khin Thida Aung et al.

3. Study on Preparation and Structural Characterization of Nickel Ferrites (NiFe2O4) Ohnmar Win et al.

4. Characterization of Li3+/Mg SO4.7H2O Crystal, May Thwe Soe et al.

5. Extraction of Manganese Sulphate from Local Pyrolusite Ore by Cellulose Reduction Method, Khin Su Su & Kyaw Naing

6. A Study on the Antimony and Gold Contents in Antimony Ores from

Kayin State and Kayah State, Zin Zar Thaw Tun & Tun Tun Naing

7. Markov Chain Concepts Related to Estimation Algorithms, Thet Paing Soe & Ko Ko Oo

8. Prediction of Exponential lifetime by using Bayesian Method, Hla Yin Moe

9. Parental Care of Ornamental Discus Fish, Symphysodon (Heckel, 1840)

Aye Aye Cho

10. Bushmeat Consumption and Fish Supply in Different Villages of Taninthayi Township, Myeik District, San San Hmwe et al.

11. Investigation of Rice Root Nematode Hirschmanniella oryzae (Luc and Goodey, 1964) in Pyarkatat Cultivated Rice fields at Hinthada Township, Nant Swe Sin Oo & Hla Hla Maw

12. Effects of Priming Tests and Fertilizer applications on Germination, Growth and Yields of Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.), Moe Moe Khaing & Kyu Kyu

13. Botanical Studies and Phytochemical Screening of Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth (Thit-Yay-Gyi), Yi Moe Htet et al.

14. Petrology of the Bodawgyi Area, Madaya Township, Mandalay Region

Myat Mon Mon Htet et al.

15. Deformation Style of the Western Part of Laymyethna Area, Ayeyawady Region, Tun Tun Min & Saw Ngwe Khaing

16. Code of Ethics among Siblings, Families and Kin Members Observed from Doctrines of Innwa Era, Myint Myint Naing

17. An Analysis of the Translation Procedures in the Opening Scene of

Not Out of Hate in Comparison with Mone Ywei Ma Hu, Toe Su Hlaing

18. Transportation-Route Sinuosity of Motor Road within Bago Region (East), Yin Yin Lwin

19. Geo-informatics for the Land capability of Khabaung Watershed Area by Using Stories Index Rating (SIR), Bago Region, Yu Yu Maw

20. Geographical Study on the Land Surface Configuration of Hpa-an Town, Kayin State, Mya Nyein Nyein

21. The Role of Major Henry Burney in Anglo -Myanmar Diplomatic Relations (1830-1838), Maung Maung Hla

22. Implication and Importance of Duty of Human Beings in Buddhism

Mu Mu Win and Kyi Zar Cho

23. Significance of Mahākassapa, Khin Moe Hlaing

24. The Way to Welfare of Mankind in the Buddhist View, Nu Nu Yin

25. A Study of the Structure of Pāḷi Language, Cho Nwe Soe

Hinthada University

Since it has been founded as a university, it provides twelve academic subjects in Arts and Science. Starting from 2020-2021 Academic Year. Hinthada University offers the undergraduate course for Bachelor of Laws (LLB) and Economics.

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  • Myanmar
  • English
  • Geography
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  • Orientals Studies
  • Agricultural Chemistry(Apply Subject)

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  • Botany
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Hinthada University Research Journal Vol. 6, No.1, 2015

Table of Contents

Sr. No.                 Title                                                                                                    

1. Study on Humidity Sensitive Electrical Properties of Nickel Substituted Cobalt Zinc Ferrite for Humidity Sensor Application, Nway Nway Khaing et al.

2. Arduino Based Home AC Appliances Control Circuit Using IR-Signal

Aye Min and Aye Yu Yu Naing

3. A Study on Nutrient and Elemental Analysis of Fish Samples from Fishery Pond (Shar-Khae-Gyi-In), Kyonpyaw Township, Ayeyarwady Region, Wint Thu Thu Han and Tun Tun Naing

4. Removal of Pb(II) Ions in the Aqueous Solution by Using Activated Carbon Derived from Rice Husk, Aye Thinzar Naing and Thinzar Nu

5. Markov Chains and Transition Probabilities, Ko Ko Oo

6. Seasonal Abundance of Fish Species in Ga-Tan-Lay Creek, Laputta Township, Min Zaw Latt and Khin Lay Nwe

7. A Study on Morphological Characters of Wild Mushrooms in the Vicinity of Hinthada University Campus, Moe Moe Khaing

8. A Study on the Morphology and Socio-economy of Clinogyne dichomata, Sabai and Kyu Kyu

9. Graptolite Biostratigraphy of Linwe Formation in the Mibayataung area,

Southern Shan State, Ye` Yint Aung and Chit Sein

10. Petrography of the Metamorphic Rocks in the Taungnyo Area, Sagaing Township, Sagaing Region, Eisan Mon

11. Introduction to Myanmar Abbreviation, Aye Mi Aung

12. Migration of Pattan Village, Taungoo Township and Socio-economic

Opportunities, Yin Yin Lwin

13. Myanma Teak Plantation and Sustainable Conservation (1988-2008)

Aye Aye Mu

14. The Concept of Justice in the View of Socrates, Thet Naing

15. The Guidance of Pariyatti Sāsanā on Social Dealings, Economy, Education and Health, Thin Thin Aye

Hinthada University

Since it has been founded as a university, it provides twelve academic subjects in Arts and Science. Starting from 2020-2021 Academic Year. Hinthada University offers the undergraduate course for Bachelor of Laws (LLB) and Economics.

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  • Myanmar
  • English
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  • Law
  • Orientals Studies
  • Agricultural Chemistry(Apply Subject)

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  • Chemistry
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Zoology
  • Botany
  • Geology
  • Economics
  • Fisheries Science(Apply Subject)

Hinthada University



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Hinthada University

Since it has been founded as a university, it provides twelve academic subjects in Arts and Science. Starting from 2020-2021 Academic Year. Hinthada University offers the undergraduate course for Bachelor of Laws (LLB) and Economics.

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  • Myanmar
  • English
  • Geography
  • History
  • Philosophy
  • Law
  • Orientals Studies
  • Agricultural Chemistry(Apply Subject)

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  • Chemistry
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  • Mathematics
  • Zoology
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  • Economics
  • Fisheries Science(Apply Subject)

Hinthada University



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Research Journal Hinthada University Vol. 4, No.1, 2012

Table of Contents

Sr. No.        Title                                                                                                                  

1. Digital Stopwatch with Light Sensor Circuit, Win Win Thein et al.

2. Study on the Smooth Muscle Relaxation Activity of Ageratum conyzoides L. (Khway-thay-pan) Leaf, Phyu Phyu Myint, et al.

3. Probability Model of Reliability on Some Distributions May Thida Htun and Win Win Ei

4. Weak Solutions of the Linear Thermoelectric Magnetohydrodynamics Convection Problem, Wai Wai Tun

5. Seasonal Occurrence of Freshwater Fish Species in Hlawga Wildlife Park, Yangon Region, Aye Aye Ko and Kyi Tha Myint

6. Some Fish Species and Fishing Gears Utilized in Kyudaw ‘Inn’, Hinthada Township Hla Hla Win and Min Zaw Latt

7. Distribution and Diversity Status of Amphibians around Duya ‘Inn’ Environs in Hinthada Township, Ko Myint

8. A Study on Economic Plants Grown in Khayan and Thanlyin Townships

Kyu Kyu Soe

9. Stratigraphy of the Silurian and Devonian Rock Units in the Kyundaing – Medaw Area, Pyin-oo-lwin Township, Mandalay Region Chit Sein and Maung Maung

10. Natural Beauty and Inspiration of Poets, Zaw Win

11. A Study of Prose Writing Style in “Bagan-Ze” by Saya Zawgyi

Lwin Mar Oo

12. Using Classroom Language to Improve Students English Proficiency in EFL Classes Tin Moe Moe Win

13. Potential of Agricultural Land Use within Dawei Township, Yi Yi Cho

14. The Negative Role Played by Chettiars in Myanmar’s Economy (Early Colonial Period), Shwe Wah

15. Art and Architecture of Ananda Temple, Khin Khin Si

16. The Way to Happiness in Buddhism, Mu Mu Win

Hinthada University

Since it has been founded as a university, it provides twelve academic subjects in Arts and Science. Starting from 2020-2021 Academic Year. Hinthada University offers the undergraduate course for Bachelor of Laws (LLB) and Economics.

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Our Course

  • Myanmar
  • English
  • Geography
  • History
  • Philosophy
  • Law
  • Orientals Studies
  • Agricultural Chemistry(Apply Subject)

Our Course

  • Chemistry
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Zoology
  • Botany
  • Geology
  • Economics
  • Fisheries Science(Apply Subject)