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Hinthada University Research Journal Vol. 8, No. 1, 2017

                                          Table of Contents                                                     

Sr. No.             Title


1. ကြည့်ကန်ရှင်ကြီး မေတ္တာစာများလာ ဒေသအသွင်ကွဲစကားများလေ့လာချက်၊ နီနီတင်

2. အလွမ်း၊ အတွေးနှင့်စာဆို၊ မြင့်ကြည်သိန်း

3. Evaluating the Vocabulary Section of Global (Level 1) Coursebook and Workbook Using Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy, Nang Phyu Phyu Aung

4. A Stylistic Analysis of Alfred Tennyson’s Poem “The Splendour Falls on Castle Walls”, Hnin Lai Soe

5. Effectiveness of Using Formative Assessment Strategies in Testing Writing Proposals of Third Year English Specialization Students at Hinthada University, Myo Thandar Kyaw

6. Cropping Systems and Economy of Small Holder Farmers in Hinthada Township, Ayeyarwady Region, Myint Thida, Saw Sanda Win and Thin Thin Oo

7. A Geographical Analysis on Land Cover Changes in Kyaingtong Township, Lè Lè Win and Ei Ei Zaw

8. Geographical Assessment of Socio-economic Conditions in Laymyethna Township, Ni Ni Khaing

9. A Critical Study on Good Will of Immanuel Kant from Ethical Standpoint, Mar Mar Soe

10. The Importance of Pariyatti Sāsanā, Thin Thin Aye

11. Pesticide Residues in Eggplant Fruit and Soil under Study, Yin Min, Ni Ni Sein, Aung Myint and Kyaw Naing

12. A Study on Traditional Main Dish Melocanna Bambusodies (Kayin-wa-dok) From Rakhine State, Moe Ohmmar

13. Study on Phytochemical Constituents and Bioactivities from Bark Extracts of Bauhinia Malabarica (Chin-Byit), Myint Myint Khine, Kyaw Thu and Khaing Phoo Wai

14. Determination on the Concentration of Elements in Kassod Tree (Me` Zale) Using EDXRF and AAS Techniques, Aye Aye Mon

15. Design and Construction of Integer Calculator by Using Pic, Ohnmar Win and Win Win Thein

16. High Temperature Phases of NH4-KH2PO4 (AKDP) Crystals Studied by TG-DTA Method, May Thwe Soe, Ohnmar Win and Win Win Thein

17. Preservation properties of the moment generating function, Hla Yin Moe

18. Introduction to Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Ko Ko Oo and Thet Paing Soe

19. Occurrence of Some Beetles in Hinthada University Campus, Myint Myint Kyaing, Tin Aye Mu and Thin Thin Nwe

20. Habitat Destruction of Hilsa ilisha Due to the Environmental Changes in the Ayeyarwady River (Pyay Sector), Aye Mon Sann, Khin San Wai and Khin Khin Yone

21. Investigation into stomach contents of some fishes in Shar Khe Inn, Kyonpyaw Township, Nant Khaing Mar Thin and Soe Soe Naing

22. Botanical and Phytochemical Studies on Leaves of Stephania Japonica (Thunb.) Mont-kyawe`-thae`-pin (Sha-naze), Nwe Nwe Htay and Pa Pa Shein

23. Botanical and Phytochemical Study on Leaves of Solanum torvum (Kazaw-kha), Zun May Oo and Khin Myo Thwet

24. A Study on Morphological Features of Some Economic Plants Grown in Hinthada Township, Han Nwet, Khin Swe Hlaing and Yee Yee Than

25. Petrology of the Metasedimentary rocks in Mehaw Chaung Area, Lewe Township, Mandalay Region, Chaw Su Hlaing and Htay Win

26. Lithostratigraphy of the Western Part of Laymyethna Area, Ayeyarwaddy Region, Tun Tun Min, Saw Ngwe Khaing and Nyein Chan Aung

27. Structural Analysis of the Tigyit Area, Pinlaung Townhsip, Shan State (South), Soe Khaing Linn, Saw Ngwe Khaing and Hein Min Htet

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